Are refurbished iPhones cheaper than new iPhones? | RefurbMe

Are refurbished iPhones cheaper than new iPhones?

Yes, refurbished iPhones are cheaper than new iPhones. A refurbished iPhone can cost you 20% to 70% less money than a brand new iPhone. You may think this is a big range to claim discounts, but the price of a refurbished iPhone depends on several factors like stock, cosmetic condition, seller and year of first release.

Browse some examples if you want to find some good deals:

When buying a refurbished iPhone, make sure you keep your criteria top of mind. Are you focused on getting the lowest price possible? Or are some other features important to you? Do you want an iPhone that looks brand new or are you okay with a minor scratch on the case? On RefurbMe, we give you lots of options. Make sure you look at all of our filtering options to find the right refurbished iPhone for you.