Are refurbished iPads more likely to fail? | RefurbMe

Are refurbished iPads more likely to fail?

Refurbished iPads are a great option for those who want a great tablet at a lower price. But are refurbished iPads more likely to fail than new iPads?

Put it this way: refurbished iPads go through high standard quality checks twice. Once when they are first put on the market and a second time as they get refurbished. Even if a defective part managed to pass the functional test the first time, it most likely won't pass it the second time around. When a faulty part is found, it is repaired or swapped for a new one.

We suspect that refurbished iPads are less likely to fail than new ones. There is no data to say this for sure, so we will have to settle for confidently saying that refurbished iPads aren’t more likely to fail than new iPads.